Yesterday, I succeeded in moving a GTK2 project* with a custom Cairo widget to GTK3. It's about 750 lines of Python and took ~5 hours to migrate, mainly because my method was about googling and solving all Exceptions one by one. That's not very advisable.
You can read a more …
Read the rest of this entry »Hi there!
If you've ventured just a little bit into GTK and threading, you have probably noticed how things can explode if you manipulate GTK objects directly from a thread. GTK is not threadsafe.
However, this tip might help you get stuff done properly:
1) Do your actual work in …
Read the rest of this entry »It was bothering me that all the wikis I tried, all had either errors, feature lacks, too many dependencies or were simply unmaintained. So I decided to create yet another one. Curiously, the third hit when googling 'django wiki' is Create a wiki in 20 minutes. Luckily that's not …
Read the rest of this entry »There's still some work to do on the full screen plugin for Rhythmbox, but the current version is very usable indeed. The latest addition is scrolling by hovering the track list.
I changed the display from a normal fixed table with 3 tracks to a gtk.Layout with a gtk.VBox containing …
Read the rest of this entry »I did a Google search and since nothing came up, I'm writing this little tip on creating your own CMS by extending Django's flatpages. What's good about flatpages is that they're included in Django and has some basic code to get you started. But clearly they're not enough if you …
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