There's still some work to do on the full screen plugin for Rhythmbox, but the current version is very usable indeed. The latest addition is scrolling by hovering the track list.
I changed the display from a normal fixed table with 3 tracks to a gtk.Layout with a gtk.VBox containing n tracks. In a Layout widget it's possible to freely place and move child widgets, so by detecting motion events on the edges of the Layout you can emulate scrolling by moving a child widget accordingly with Layout.move(widget, x, y). Unfortunately I get a rather nasty blinking effect when scrolling too fast, and I don't have an explanation for this, so I'd be glad to hear from anyone who can help.
def track_layout_scroll(self, widget, event):
time_step = 10 #msecs
ycoord = event.y
accel_factor = 10 #how many pixels to scroll at the edge
edge_distance = 100.0 #pixels
layout_size = widget.get_size()
top_dist = edge_distance - ycoord
bot_dist = edge_distance - layout_size[1] + ycoord
if top_dist > 0:
accel = -1 - (top_dist / edge_distance) * accel_factor
elif bot_dist > 0:
accel = 1 + (bot_dist / edge_distance) * accel_factor
accel = 0.0
if self.scroll_event_id:
if not accel == 0.0:
self.scroll_event_id = gobject.timeout_add(time_step, self.do_scrolling, accel, widget)
def do_scrolling(self, accel, layout_widget):
step = int(1*accel)
if step == 0:
vbox_size = self.vbox.size_request()
layout_size = layout_widget.get_size()
scroll_height = vbox_size[1]-layout_size[1]
if self.scroll_y + step < 0:
self.scroll_y = 0
elif self.scroll_y + step > scroll_height:
self.scroll_y = scroll_height
self.scroll_y += step
self.track_layout.move(self.vbox, 0, -self.scroll_y)
return self.scroll_y > 0 and self.scroll_y < scroll_height
The code is related to my Rhythmbox plugin, but I'm sure you get the idea. Also please note, that track_layout_scroll has to receive notify_motion_event from the Layout widget, and that you have to set a size for the Layout widget with set_size().
Update: By playing around with time_step (lowering it to be more exact) and slowing down the acceleration, I managed to almost make the white flashes disappear.