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A little tip that can really improve your battery life and give you peace of mind while working: Install thinkfan: A simple fan control program.
InstallationHere is how it goes on Ubuntu: Step zero is to become superuser ( sudo bash ). Then you install the thinkfan …
Read the rest of this entry »If you are trying to disable an Upstart script (something that can be started/stopped with "sudo start/stop service-name") , you should really use the method described by Luis Alvarado on AskUbuntu. Please use this to avoid editing scripts that are actually maintained in …
Read the rest of this entry »First of all: It should work fine.. so be optimistic :) But you will need to compile a kernel module (ov51x-jpeg) to get it running. Please have a look at Creative's list to see if your camera is using this module (it will have have an URL saying something like …
Read the rest of this entry »Here's a little step-by-step guide to getting your Rio Karma running on Ubuntu 8.04 with the new amazing Banshee 1.0. But first a little appetizer:
What we'll do is fetch some stuff to get the compilation of Banshee working, patch up the source code, compile it and then as a …
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